Work done by Tomas 7th Iturra basic.
object with inspiration from nature.
the 5th Block BASIC drawing and colored pencils.
the 5th Block BASIC drawing and colored pencils.
Block 60 BASIC drawing, tempera, mixing, brushes, glass and wipe.
basic material for the 7th mobile EVA, model sticks, wire and fishing line.
BASIC Block the 8th drawing, pencil script, rule 30 cmts, pencil.
Io MIDDLE landscape image, block, rule, tempera, brushes 1 - 4-8, glass, cloth and mixer.
Venda plaster, emulsified cream, towel, comfort, small pot, scissors.
MIDDLE IIIo Research on different types of design: graphic, industrial, costumes and settings. Lecture 5 July.
Venda plaster, emulsified cream, towel, comfort, small pot, scissors.
MIDDLE IIIo Research on different types of design: graphic, industrial, costumes and settings. Lecture 5 July.
Ivo MIDDLE Materials to prepare your installation.
the 7th BASIC recycled materials to create a utilitarian object. world view of recycling page here and crafts with recycled material here
the 8th BASIC Papier Mache, phosphorus and ice cream sticks, tacks or pins, elastic, cut cardboard. see types of levers here, three people work.
Io MIDDLE Project completed your logbook and photographs explaining the production process.
5th and 6th Carton stone model sticks, matchsticks, cut cardboard, school saw (optional), glue, silicone or agorex,
Cautin 7th and 8th, wire, tin, solder paste, cutting pliers, and model, wooden board.
the 8th BASIC Papier Mache, phosphorus and ice cream sticks, tacks or pins, elastic, cut cardboard. see types of levers here, three people work.
Io MIDDLE Project completed your logbook and photographs explaining the production process.
5th and 6th Carton stone model sticks, matchsticks, cut cardboard, school saw (optional), glue, silicone or agorex,
Cautin 7th and 8th, wire, tin, solder paste, cutting pliers, and model, wooden board.
Iio Io and Goma eva, uhu agorex or universal glue, scissors, cortacarton.