Friday, August 6, 2010

I Finished Poptropica

week of 9 to August 13 Materials

Professor CALC visual arts to students selected to exhibit in the museum next to the director of Milan Ivelic MNBA Kusanovic


the 5th BASIC Finish scrap sculpture

60 BASIC Painting made only with color mixing.

BASIC investigate the 7th everyday objects , 1810 / scoch daily paper, cold glue toilet paper.

the 8th BASIC optical art work, block, regulation 30 inches, graphite pencil.

Io MIDDLE landscape image, block, rule, tempera, brushes 1 - 4-8, glass, cloth and mixer.

MEDIA IOI plaster mask, newsprint and colafría and decorations for his mask.

MIDDLE IIIo materials design project.

Ivo MIDDLE Idea for short.


the 7th BASIC Guide energies, notebook, kraft paper, markers.

leverage the 8th BASIC Model first, second and third grade / peck of 5X15 cmts, spool or reel sewing machine, rope, nails, hammer, wire for the crank.

IO Media Logo finished, covered cardboard, three small boxes, cut cardboard, graphite.


5th and 6th newsprint scoch, toilet paper and colafría, for a child's play.

7th and 8th sticks materials model of phosphorus.

Iio Io and Block and crayons.


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